Copywrite 2001 Adeh DeSandies
Heat oven to 350. Place the sweet potato and the garlic, unpeeled, on a baking sheet. Bake the garlic for about 20 min and the potato for about 30 min, as you would a baked potato. Boil the red potatoes in salted water until they are tender, but not falling apart, 20-25 min.
Drain the potatoes and place in a large bowl, cut into quarters. Carefully peel the baked sweet potato (it's hot) and place in the bowl as well. Cut the top off of the roasted garlic head and squeeze the insides into the bowl. Add the remaining ingredients. Mash to desired consistency. I prefer using a wooden spoon and smashing/stirring until some parts are really smooth while there are still harder lumps from the less cooked through red potatoes. This creates a nice contrast of textures. Makes 4-5 servings. |